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Auch die Erst- und Zweitklässler*innen haben Englisch. Auf spielerische Weise lernen sie englische Vokabeln, singen englische Lieder und gewinnen Freude an einer anderen Sprache. Der ab Klasse 3 stattfindende reguläre Englischunterricht ist inhaltlich auf das Frühenglisch abgestimmt.

Englisch in England
Vor der Corona-Pandemie fuhren die Schüler*innen unserer 5. und 6. Jahrgänge mit Frau Jung nach England, zuletzt 2018 (Bilder dazu findet man oben). Die Schüler*innen wohnen in ausgewählten Gastfamilien an der Südküste und besuchen die Thomas Tallis School in Greenwich, die Hauptstadt London mit ihren Sehenswürdigkeiten sowie andere kulturelle und touristische Attraktionen im Süden Englands: Brighton mit seinem berühmten Jahrmarkt auf dem Pier, Dover Castle, das seit dem Mittelalter bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg als Festung über der Stadt thront und an schönen Tagen den Blick bis nach Frankreich ermöglicht sowie Birling Gap mit seinen meterhohen Kreidefelsen.

Hier ein kleiner Film über unsere Zeit 2018 in England.

Wem der Film oben noch nicht ausreicht: Hier folgen ein paar Bilder von der Englandfahrt 2018.

The Havelmüller reporters

At the bowling center

In the picture you can see how Curtis wants to steal a cookie secretly. Matti didn‘t know that it‘s not allowed to drink your own drinks. You must buy some drinks from there.  (by Adrijano)

That is Mrs. Jung our English teacher. We are bowling in the Bowlingcenter at the borsig shoppingcenter. A bowling ball has three holes for the fingers. The phone number of the bowling center is: 43035050. Holiday offer for children, 2 hours bowling with rentalshoes is 6 Euros. (by Fabian)

In the picture you can see Fabian. He is happy because he had a strike. In the background you can see Curtis. He was angry because Fabian made 2 strikes in a row. On the left you can see a family. The little girl rolled a bowling ball, too. (by Curtis)

In this foto you can see Curtis. Now they throw the Bowling ball and try to get a strike or a spare. We are in the Bowling Center Bowl play at the Borsig hall. If the bowling ball rolls in the middle of the lane, you have a very good chance of hitting the skittle in the middle and making a strike. There are ten wooden pins, which are marked in a triangel. The goal of bowling is to knock down all the wooden pins with the bowling ball and to have the most points at the end of the game. (by Matti)

Interviews with tourists

Her name is Albana. She is from Kosovo. She is travelling with her friend. They stay in Berlin for one day. Albana’s favourite food is pita with meat and cheese. Albana studies in Switzerland.

Her name is Termika (picture to the right). She is from California. It is her first visit to Berlin. She likes the food in Berlin.

Their names are Jane and Klabors. They are from Brasil.They go to London next. They’re travelling together. They like everything in Berlin or Germany. They came by bus to Berlin. That is their first visit to Berlin and Germany.

Her name is Takako. She is from Japan. She is going back home. She came by plane. She likes the Pergamon Museum. She is staying for two nights in Berlin and seven days in Germany. She would like to come again. It’s her first visit to Berlin.

His name is Ricardo (picture to the right). He is from Brazil. He is staying for three days in Berlin. He likes the history.

Her name is Makarena. Makarena is from Argentinia. She is staying for four days in Berlin. She’s travelling alone and it is her first visit to Berlin. Makarena came by plane. She likes the Brandenburg Gate and she is going to her hostel and eat there. Makarena would like to come again.

Their names are Victor and John. Victor and John are from Brazil. It is Victor’s second visit to Berlin. It’s John’s first visit to Berlin. They came from Brazil  to Germany by plane. And took a car to the Victory Column. They like Alexanderplatz best. They don’t like the cold weather. Victor and John would like to come again.      (By Fabian)


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Unser Schulprogramm 2021
Hier finden Sie unser Schulprogramm. Viel Spaß beim Lesen ..

Hier finden Sie die Ergebnisse der aktuellen Befragung unserer Mitarbeiter*innen durch den Senat. Viel Spaß beim Lesen ..

Hier finden Sie unseren Inspektionsbericht als PDF. Viel Spaß beim Lesen (auch als Download der PowerPoint Präsentation verfügbar) ..



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